Order enables us to explain the world about us, but not all social order is the product of deliberate action.
Cosmos: spontaneous order, by-product of human activity.
Its outcome will always be unpredictable
Taxis: orders intended to serve specific human purposes.
It is more effecive than cosmos when the purpose to be served reflects a given hierarchy of ends.
In a cosmos, knowledge of the facts and purposes which will guide andividual action will be those of the acting indivisuals, while in a taxis the knowledge and purposes of the organizeer wil determine the resulting order.
Nomos: describe the unversal rules of just conduct which will regulate a cosmos
Doesn't oblige to individuals to perform particular actions
Private law is unversally applicable and independend of specific ends
Thesis: a rule applicable to particular people, or serving the ends of the rulers in a taxis.
Public law is transforming the social order from the nomos into a taxis